Saturday, March 15, 2008

First post

So, lately I've been overwhelmed with Salvador Dali's incredible paintings and his Surrealist style. These paintings serve as only mere examples of his work for those who are not familiar to get a general idea.

However, I encourage anyone interested to go and check out more of his work to get better familiar with it. He is an amazing artist.

That said, he recently made a cartoon of his works with Disney, though designed in the 1940s, it wasn't until just recently that this work was finally released. To get a feel for it check out this video

Ok, Here are some quotes that explain who I am and a general idea of what I will be writing about:

"The love for justice that is in us is not only the best part of our being, but it is also the most true to our nature."

"The end of all education should surely be service to others."

-César Chávez

"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
-Emma Lazarus

"Hasta la victoria siempre."
-Ernesto Che Guevara

"Los jóvenes de una nación son los depositarios de la posteridad."
-Rubén Darío

1.- Me formaré buenos hábitos y seré el esclavo de esos hábitos.

2.- Saludaré este día con amor en mi corazón.

3.- Persistiré hasta alcanzar el éxito.

4.- Soy el milagro más grande de la naturaleza.

5.- Viviré este día como si fuese el último día de mi vida.

6.- Hoy seré el dueño de mis emociones.

7.- Me reiré del mundo.

8.- Hoy multiplicaré mi valor en un ciento por ciento.

9.- Procederé ahora mismo.

10.- Oraré pidiendo directivas y orientaciones.

" Si me siento deprimido cantaré.

Si me siento triste reiré.

Si me siento inferior vestiré ropas nuevas.

Si me siento inseguro levantaré la voz.

Si miedo me lanzaré adelante.

Si siento pobreza pensaré en la riqueza futura.

Si me siento incompetente recordaré éxitos del pasado.

Si me siento insignificante recordaré mis metas."

-Og Mandino (Words to live by)

"A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots."

"If you have no confidence in self, you are twice defeated in the race of life. With confidence, you have won before you have started."

"CHANCE has never yet satisfied the hope of a suffering people."

-Marcus Garvey

"Love everything you do and you will be happy."
-Adam, my roommate in Taiwan

"Do life, not work" - Vicky Lindsey (Project Cry No More)

Ok, and for the first post I will write a quick flow to start.

Movement through shadows

Bouncing off of walls
Who knows when we will stop
Calling me out, like thunder
Who knows, I wonder
That when the cops
Come by, I will fall.

So cold, waiting at night
Back pushed up against the wall
I hide in the shadows away from sight.
Waiting for the bus to come to take me away
I will gladly pay
Any price to be taken home.

And so I wait
Idly behind these dark gates
Black as night, blinding me
I cannot see
For there are no stars
I hear only the passing cars
As I stand here

Prison Bars

Sitting happily in their cubicles
Going back and forth day after day
Working all day long for almost no pay
Selling their souls, what's the price
40 grand, 50, 60, no 80 will suffice.
But to waste away while the world stirs.

You're trapped behind bars
But blinded to see
You're wasting away your life
How can it be?
Working 9-5, and sometimes more
And is overtime worth
Being trapped behind closed doors?
As if by a curse
We cover up our scars
Push forward, lying about the pain
Telling ourselves if we push forward we can maintain.
We can abstain from this strife
But secretly it tears us apart
It wears on us year after year
The same dismal job, we had from the start.
But our dreams to advance our career
Encourage us to persevere.

So, as if given 25 to life
We spend our days trapped no windows
Solitary confinement
Just waiting for five to come so we can go home
Just waiting for the weekend
Just waiting for vacation days
So we can eventually start all over again.

Prison Bars
When will we remove them.
We have the power to,
We always have
And yet we choose to live our lives
With prisons surrounding us.

Welcome to thoughts on everything, note that these poems aren't great works of art I've slaved over for hours merely quick, passing thoughts.

Live in the moment, before it passes, and it's gone. Present becomes past, past is soon forgotten, the future is either dwelled in, or not prepared for. The present occurs without warning. The past has a way of repeating itself.

1 love.