Monday, December 29, 2008

The War of the Worlds

Mmm - so I think it's safe to say I'm an insomniac/vampire/what have you.

Just caught word of this protest tomorrow and Tuesday in SF for the recent Gaza Strip bombings and before I knock out I was feeling like writing something beyond meaningless chatter with friends. What started as a quick rant/poem turned into a hefty - silent no more thoughts laid out for all to read.

And next a few thoughts on responses to what I've been reading/hearing about it lately:

1) First article covered by ABC 7 News

"Arab world condemns Israeli attack on Gaza" that's the headline well duh they're not gonna be happy about it. This is sadly one of the few major networks covering the event - luckily the report on TV I saw was actually pretty good insofar that it was sympathetic to Palestine and showed the effects of the recent bombings and talked about how it was a University that was bombed. We cannot stand idly by - BAMN.

"It's a Zionist holocaust, but it won't dissuade us from going on with our struggle to achieve our goals," said Ali Barakah, 42, one of the protesters.

Now here's something that bothers me - how often Zionism is confused.

I strongly stand by in solidarity with him in his continued struggle to achieve his goals. But hope he realizes that although it is a brutal holocaust - it is not sanctioned by Zionism. While many Israelis, politicians, news anchors, and people worldwide might believe you to believe. A simple look at how/why Zionism was created would show you that the way this is being handled is in fact Anti-Zionist and against the wishes of Zionism.

With the desire to fill these five goals: a few simple/quick main points on the Z-word.

1) The unity of the Jewish People and the centrality of Israel in Jewish life;

The important thing to note here is this:

"Israel is indispensable to Jewish existence; without Israel, world Jewry would turn cold and hollow."

Perhaps this is my ignorance, my failure to return to the homeland, or any number of other reasons - but regardless I stand by the belief that Jews like anyone else require a homeland that is theirs to live in and love. However, I am unclear at this point that it needs to be in Israel or that "without Israel, world Jewry would turn cold and hollow."

2) The ingathering of the Jewish People in its historic homeland, Eretz Israel, through Aliyah from all countries;

The important thing to note here is this:

"the new immigrant will find his historical identity and self realization -for himself and for his family, and the opportunity to contribute as a Jew and as a Zionist to one of the most dynamic national and social enterprises of the century."

Does anyone else find this mirroring image of America as a land of immigrants odd? Interesting.

3) The strengthening of the State of Israel which is based on the prophetic vision of justice and peace:

The important things to note here are this:

"The term 'Zionism' was coined at the beginning of the century by people who aspired not only to return to Zion, but to a vision whose source is in the words of the prophets: 'Zion shall be redeemed through justice, and those who return unto her in righteousness.'


Zionism is striving for the realization of the prophetic ideas of justice and equality among all men."

Yes, by this mission I love my Jewish people and their desire to find a homeland. One that "shall be redeemed through justice, and those who return unto her in righteousness." However, that is simply not the case, like so often in history - while things sound great when spoken, talk is cheap and actions speak much louder than words. The order in which Israel has established itself as a global powerhouse and gathered all its friends to out Palestine is frightfully horrific. It's similar to stories of school ground bullies rallying together their clique, posse if you will, to take a younger student's lunch money. And what is ironic is that this same younger kid was once taller, stronger and had the means to crush this particular student back before the bully had all its friends and yet it didn't - it nourished and supported them. Just like, low and behold the story of the pilgrims and the native americans....

UNFULFILLED IDEALS - where are these "prophetic ideas of justice and equality among all men." Please tell me how the realization is going, and when you realize it, I hope there is still something left for you to be able to do something about it.

4) The preservation of the identity of the Jewish People through the fostering of Jewish and Hebrew education and of Jewish spiritual and cultural values;

The important thing to note here is this:

"Among the idea and movements that have appeared on the Jewish horizon in recent generations, there is none but Zionism and the Zionist Movement that are capable of fulfilling this function. The establishment of a Jewish State was a major aim of the Zionist Movement, but the ultimate goal was always the preservation of the identity of the Jewish people, and the regeneration of Jewish vitality and creativity. Today more than ever before, it is clear that every available force must be enlisted to fight the tendency towards cultural obliteration, and the Zionist Movement -as the most representative group of the Jewish people -must assume the leadership of this struggle through an elaborate and extensive system of high quality Jewish education."

It is felt that they have fought so hard and barely gained the rights to this freedom. So, now they must fight with everything they have to hold onto these privileges. Some call them certain unalienable rights - Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. Regardless of how you refer to them, that is all fine and well - but what do you do when your "cultural obliteration" (see above) relies on your tunnel vision to culturally obliterate your neighbors and those from whom you took/re-claimed your land.

5) The protection of Jewish rights everywhere.

The important thing to note here is this:

"In recent years, we have also witnessed the revival of anti-Semitism, often cloaked in the terminology of anti-Zionism, on the European continent, in Great Britain and in the United States. Its manifestations vary from the bombing of synagogues in Paris and Vienna, to the throwing of hand granades on school children in Brussels, and painting of swastikas on Jewish institutions in Brooklyn."

It's amazing to me how such an oppressed people could fall victim to the cycle of violence. I understand its principle of the struggle to maintain its independence, but at what cost? It's painfully hillarious how similar Israel and the United States history appears to mimic itself. As both a proud American and a Jew I stand with jaw dropped. How often I have grown up hearing such love for this beautiful country, while such disdain for the way it was established. With blatant disregard for the indigenous people of this land - it was taken ruefully with practically nothing given in return. In both situations the incoming people claimed to be escaping persecution, horrendous pasts, and horrible fates; but in the end when they rose to power instead of showing compassion they practically murdered and slaughtered those who they displaced from their own homes. They both did so while maintaining the strongest nations of the world support in the eyes of justice and peace. However, at what costs? And how can justice and peace be maintained when people are displaced and killed? The same bombings and problems that led them to this country - they are turning around and continuing the flow of violence by passing on their anger to their neighbors.

Listen to this wording - this was established at the 27th Zionist Congress in 1968 held in Jerusalem. For more info: Source

2) Take 2, I am not alone It has always been interesting to me growing up in the Bay Area, a strong leftist often critical of the United States and Israel - Jewish American (among other things) how rare it has been to speak out against Israel. There are relatively few radicalized Jews I suppose as so often I am accused of being "an anti-semitic Jew" or "not really Jewish" or I have been graced with numerous other disparaging comments. It empowers me to hear Israelis speaking out against Israel's government's actions. In fact, it is beautiful to me to see almost half of my Jewish people marching with me in solidarity for ACTUAL Peace and Justice instead of supposed or fictionalized idealistic let's say we want peace and justice for all and may the bells of liberty ring - but not actually do anything and sit idly by while millions are slaughtered daily. This empowers me that somewhere, somehow my actions - my words - my fight - my struggle is being heard and others are slowly - however obstinate are joining the cause.

46% of Israelis opposed the Gaza strip bombing - that's close to half.

3) I am given hope by groups like this Other Voice, קול אחר a united grassroots campaign of people on both sides of Israel and the Gaza Strip who are coming together to end the cycle of violence. I am actually so moved that I am debating participating in a birthright trip and relocating and serving with this group to the best of my abilities. That is sexy - forget the models and physical concepts we have been forcefed to believe is desireable - this is an example of beauty in its rarest and purest form - people coming together from different places to further their peaceful existence. Check em out: right here.

4) This is one of the illest articles I have read in a while. This author is incredible - I have honestly never heard of her before today - however I plan on studying and reading her other works because this is a very powerful piece. Dorit Avramovits I give you props for preaching - telling it like it is clearer than rain. She relates this war to essentially a chauvinistic penis contest to determine who's is biggest. Which isn't very far from the truth. I don't want to take away from this article because it is brilliantly written.

"The War of the Worlds"

Sitting behind closed, locked doors
Our own personal closets beneath loads of whores
We search through the latest gossip, glimpsing spam mail
Loving every minute of it feeling - so drunk off its intoxicating ale.

But let’s change the topic if you will
Allow me to open my mind and begin to spill
My thoughts out as I bring you live on demand pay-per view
The latest, most exciting match ever – the war of the worlds.

Only mentioned in brief passing,
The dark, painful secret we’d like to ignore
Like to hide, like to push under the rug
And yet it keeps right on harassing.

An irritating itch – growing ever more devastating by the second
And with each new bombing that beckons
That the end is near – or so it reckons
And yet, it’s merely the beginning.

This apathetic world is taking a stand
No longer remaining silent and taking to the streets
Bringing force the demand of the common to those in command.
As the firing bombs boils, burns, and heats.

The colossal destruction for chauvinistic contests
Of unbeknownst erections for power – vulgarity at its best.
Ever distressing, ever detesting, ever stressing, ever depressing
And yet always blessing in the name of the holiest which cannot be questioned.

It’s the end of the world as we know and I feel fine?
Hell no, I refuse to accept this with 300 dead just yesterday
I can no longer sit idly by, it’s time to take action and multiply
Turn off the computers for a moment
Turn off the cell phones
Turn the light on and come out of the closets
Unlock the doors and abstain
It’s time to take to the streets and move forward for positive change.

I'm feeling empowered and more positive than I have for a while. Hope you all are having a good holidaze and prospero año de felicidad.

To those wishing to offer critique/criticism I await you with open arms and open eyes - yea.

1 love

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